The Industry Talks You Need to Attend: IoL National Training Conference

Next week (17th -19th), TaxiPlus will be venturing down to Stratford-upon-Avon to attend the Institute of Licensing (IoL) National Training Conference 2021. After nearly 2 years of being cooped up at home, we’re looking forward to seeing people in the flesh! We’ve been eagerly looking over the sessions on the programme and we’ve put together a list of those that people in the taxi and private hire (PH) industry need to attend.  
All the times and locations stated below are provisional and subject to change. You can find the full event guide here.   

Day One  

National Standards and Best Practice Update

Ballroom A: 14:00 – 14:45  

This session is run by the Deputy Head of Local Passenger Transport at the DfT, Nina Skomorowski-Brown. The past 2 years have seen the introduction of comprehensive new guidance for that taxi and PH trade. This is definitely a session worth attending to get the most up-to-date insights from the DfT.  

An Industry Perspective and Panel Discussion  

Packwood: 14:50 –15:35  

COVID-19, new statutory guidance, driver shortages and the effects of ride-hailing apps are likely to be just some of the top talking points in this session. The panel will be chaired by James Button, director of James Buton & Co Solicitors. He will be joined by some of the leading voices from the taxi and PH industry:  

  • Steve McNamara of the Licensed Taxi Drivers Association (LTDA)  

  • Steve Wright MBE of the Licensed Private Hire Car Association (LPHCA)  

  • Andy Mahoney MBE from 24x7 Group  

  • David Lawrie from the National Private Hire Trade Association (NPHTA)

Building Back Taxis Post COVID  

Packwood: 16:00 – 16:45  

Bouncing back after the pandemic is a key focus for taxi and PH businesses this year. Although COVID is a word that we’re all sick of hearing at this point, its effect on the industry is likely to be felt for years to come. Having a recovery strategy in place is vital for long term success. This session will be run by John Garforth JP, Vice-Chair of the IoL, and Steve Wright MBE of the LPHCA.  

Day Two

James Button on Taxis  

Ballroom D: 11:00 – 11:55 

James Button is the leading authority on taxi licensing law. He is the principal of James Button & Co Solicitors, experts in taxi and PH licensing law, and also the president of the IoL. He can regularly be found providing legal services and training to local authorities in England and Wales.  

If you want actionable insights into licensing practice in the industry, this is a session you don’t want to miss. However, if you do miss it on day two, it will be repeated on the final day of the event.  

Improving the Appeals System  

Ballroom D: 12:00 – 12:45  

Those involved in the legal side of licensing have extensively debated the problems involved in the current appeals system. One of the key issues facing the industry is that there is very little in the way of procedural rules and guidance for appeals. In this session, James Button and Phillip Kolvin QC will be discussing their ideas for improving the appeals system in detail.  

Taxi Licensing Appeal: Cartledge V Gedling Borough Council – When is a refusal not a refusal?

Ballroom D: 13:45 – 14:30  

This session will be focusing on an appeal raised by Mr. Cartledge, a licensed hackney carriage driver, against a decision from Gedling Borough Council. The IoL have a comprehensive article discussing the appeal here. Below is an extract discussing the context:  

‘[Mr Cartledge] had applied for the renewal of his driver’s licence well before it expired. His application was not granted until 14 days after expiry. A council officer saw him standing by his cab in a public street the day before his driver’s licence was renewed, and Mr. Cartledge agreed he had been driving it. There was no suggestion he had been plying for hire or taking passengers. The council prosecuted him under section 46 Town Police Clauses Act 1847 for driving a hackney carriage without holding a licence. He was convicted in the magistrates’ court and appealed to Nottingham Crown Court.’  

This session will be run by Gerald Gouriet QC, an expert in licensing law. One of his most recent cases was on behalf of the LTDA objecting to the renewal of Uber’s London Operator’s licence. 

Workshop Session: Taxis and Private Hire Licensing  

Ballroom D: 14:35 –15:20  

This workshop will give attendees the chance to get stuck into a wide range of issues affecting the trade right now and gain actionable insights from experts. This session will be led by:  

  • Stephen Turner, solicitor with Kingston upon Hull City Council since 2004  

  • Andy Mahoney, Managing Director of 24x7 Group  

  • Saskia Garner from the Suzy Lamplugh Trust. The UK's pioneering personal safety charity and leading stalking authority since 1986  

  • Michelle Bignell, Service Leader (Licensing) from Publica Group

Conducting Taxi Licensing Committees  

Packwood: 15:45 – 16:30  

The Statutory Taxi and Private Hire Vehicle Standards brought in new recommendations on how licensing committees should be conducted. This session will be brought to you by James Button and Andy Eaton, Deputy Legal Services Manager for Wealden District Council. They will no doubt provide plenty of best practice guidance on interpreting the new statutory guidance. 

The Global Nighttime Recovery Plan  

16:35 – 17:35  

The taxi and PH trade is intrinsically linked to the nighttime economy. Clubs, pubs and events venues are some of the biggest feeders of passengers into the industry. The s successful recovery of the nighttime economy is vital for the continued success of the trade. This session is run by Philip Kolvin QC from 11KBW Barristers and he will be joined by:  

  • Daniel Davies, IoL Chairman & Group Chief Executive of Rockpoint Leisure  

  • Lutz Leichsenring, Executive Director of the Berlin Clubcommission and co-founder of VibeLab  

  • Alistair Turnham, Founder of MAKE Associates  

Day Three

James Button on Taxis  

Ballroom D: 11:30 –12:00  

This will be the same session as the one run on day two of the event for anyone who could not attend.  

The Impact of Ride Refusals  

Warwick: 11:30 –12:00  

Guide Dogs, the charity, estimate that up to 75% of visually impaired people are regularly refused journeys because of their guide dogs. A quick Google search of the term ‘guide dog ride refusals’ brings up numerous stories about visually impaired people being refused taxi journeys due to their guide dogs. This is despite the fact that refusing a passenger with a guide dog is a criminal offence.  

This session, run by Penny Hefferan, from the Guide Dogs charity, will look at the impact of ride refusals and what can be done to tackle this issue.  

Taxi Fares Formula  

Ballroom D: 12:05 – 12:35  

Following a rough year thanks to the pandemic and now a media-induced fuel crisis, fares are on the minds of a lot of people in the trade. This session will be run by Mike Smith, Licensing & Community Safety Lead at Guildford Borough Council.  

These are just some of the exciting sessions on offer at this year's conference. We’ll be attending as many as we can between looking after our stand. If you’re at the conference, make sure to come and have a chat with our team RyanMatt and JP at the TaxiPlus stand. They’ll have a pick and mix stand on offer so make sure you don’t miss out!  

Following the event, Ryan and JP will be recording a special edition of the What time you on ‘til? podcast. If you’ve got any thoughts or opinions on anything affecting the industry, we’d love to share it with our audience. Come down for a chat and we’ll give you a shout out!  

For more information about the IoL National Training Conference and to book tickets, you can do so here. For more information about the technology shaking up taxi licensing, get in touch with us at 


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