Should Taxi and PH drivers be subject to more regular DVLA Checks?

Plans to introduce bi-annual licence checks for taxi and private hire (PH) drivers in Walsall have been scrapped by councillors who deemed the action "excessive."  

The council requested a report to be made by the Licensing and Safety Committee back in December 2022 to consider the introduction of more frequent checks. They are currently done every three years. 

The report was prompted after a handful of licensed drivers in Walsall failed to inform the licensing authority of points endorsed on their licence. 

However, councillors were keen not to punish the majority of drivers who are compliant with the current rules. They felt it was unfair to cause an increase in costs and red-tape based on a couple of cases of non-compliance.  

Councillors also feared that more checks could push drivers to nearby Wolverhampton for cheaper and easier licensing. 

While some have criticized the decision, councillors argued that the actions of a few drivers should not lead to all drivers being penalised. 

While going from 3-yearly to 6-monthly is clearly a huge leap in the amount of DVLA licence checks being conducted. But would it be better for drivers to have more regular checks? 

Proportionate licensing 

Licensing authorities need all the information they need to make safe decisions. 

It is undeniable that regular licence checks give licensing authorities a better understanding of their licensees. And, as all the guidance states: 
“the primary and overriding objective of licensing must be to protect the public.” 

So, it is understandable why some licensing authorities have considered implementing more regular licence checks as part of their rules. 

But could more regular DVLA Checks create restrictive conditions for drivers? 

The consultation version of the new Best Practice Guidance makes it clear that overly restrictive licensing conditions are harmful to both the industry and the public. It's not hard to see how extra licence checks could contribute to restrictive licensing. 

However, if used proportionally, more regular checks could have a place.  

Rather than having an arbitrary rule for all drivers, only make them a licensing condition when relevant. For example, if a driver has 6 points on their licence, it makes sense to carry out a bi-annual licence check. 

This ensures a licensing policy can be both flexible and proportionate.

Regular licence checks 

Regular licence checks are a standard part of any professional driving role. Best practice advice is for employers to carry out these checks once a year. But the actual frequency of checks can vary wildly depending on the employer or licensing authority. 

Some UK licensing authorities have similar policies to Walsall council, whilst other carry out licence checks annually. 

The experts at Davis Licence Check, advise that DVLA Checks for any professional driver should be completed every 6 months. They advise more frequent checking depending on a drivers risk profile: 

  • 0-3 points: Normal risk profile – bi-annually 

  • 4-7 points: Medium risk – quarterly 

  • 8+ points: Maximum risk – monthly 

This fits with the general advice within the driving industry that more regular checks should be implemented in certain conditions. These could include: 

  • Drivers with existing points on their licence 

  • Health conditions 

  • Driver age 

Jumping to 6-monthly licence checks would have been a big change for drivers in Walsall. It would have no doubt caused extra costs for drivers and plenty of complaints for the licensing authority.  

But there is definitely a place for extra licence checks. Council’s just need to be sure they are implemented proportionately and in full consultation with the local trade. 


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