DfT Launch New Guidance for the Taxi and Private Hire Industry on 'Freedom Day'

The Department for Transport (DfT) has today released guidance advising of best practices for the taxi and private hire trade, now that restrictions have started to be relaxed. The guidance itself relates to England only. For Northern IrelandScotland and Wales, there is different guidance, particularly when it comes to the use of face coverings.   

It is recommended that both drivers and operators familiarise themselves with this guidance to ensure that they are working safely. There is separate guidance in place for passengers. Particular care should be taken to check guidance in areas where cross-border journeys are likely to take place, as guidance differs between nations.  


All drivers are recommended to conduct a risk assessment to help understand the areas of risk for both themselves and passengers and what can be done about them. As part of this risk assessment, installing a safety screen behind the front row of seats may feel appropriate. The decision for installing this rests with drivers and the local licensing authority. Full guidance for safely installing these screens can be found here.    

Conducting regular coronavirus testing is strongly recommended as part of the risk assessment. Drivers in England can receive regular free tests and guidance for conducting these effectively can be found here. If you have not already been vaccinated, the guidance recommends that you arrange your vaccine as soon as possible  

Drivers are not expected to write down their risk assessments.  

NHS COVID-19 app  

To help control the spread of COVID-19, drivers should download and use the NHS COVID-19 app.  

Picking up passengers  

Before a passenger enters your vehicle, you should ask if they have:  

  • coronavirus symptoms – a fever, new cough or loss of smell or taste  

  • had a positive coronavirus test in the last 10 days  

If any potential passenger reports they have had these symptoms, then drivers should refuse service.   

Hand washing and sanitising measures should be maintained. Drivers are recommended to wash or sanitise their hands when they are coming into physical contact with passengers or their luggage. This should be done before and after contact.  

Drivers must continue to provide support to disabled passengers when it comes to entering and exiting vehicles. This also includes their luggage and any mobility equipment.   

In the vehicle  

As COVID-19 spreads through the air, there are a number of measures recommended to limit transmission of the virus.   

Opening windows or using the car’s vents to bring in fresh air is advised when carrying passengers. Bringing in fresh air helps reduce the chances that drivers or passengers will inhale infectious droplets.  

Although the rules stating that wearing a face-covering is mandatory have been lifted, wearing them is still recommended for both passengers and drivers. Local licensing authorities may still ask you to wear a face-covering if it does not impact driving ability. The government advise that when wearing a face-covering you keep the following in mind:  

  • Wash or sanitise your hands before and after touching your face covering  

  • use a waste bin or litter bin to dispose of any face coverings, don't put them in a recycling bin or drop them as litter  

  • be aware that a face covering may inhibit communication with people who rely on lip reading, facial expressions and clear sound.  


Leaving the vehicle  

Take contactless payment where possible. If this isn’t an option, wash your hands with soap and water or sanitiser after handling money.  

You should also try and remind passengers to wash or sanitise their hands after the journey.  

Preparing your vehicle for the next passenger  

Between all journeys drivers are expected to:  

  • Clean parts of your vehicle that you or passengers may have touched. This could include door handles, payment devices, protective screens, buttons, seats etc.   

  • Open doors and windows to ventilate the car for at least 5 minutes.  

  • Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds or use hand sanitiser.  


If you have coronavirus symptoms or have been told to self-isolate  

You should not work if you have coronavirus symptoms or you have been told to self-isolate. If you have coronavirus symptoms you should get a test as soon as possible. You should stay at home until you get the result.  


Financial help for drivers  

If you are told to self-isolate by NHS Test and Trace, you may be entitled to a payment of £500 from your local council under the Test and Trace Support Payment scheme.  

Self-employed drivers may also be eligible for the Self-Employment Income Support Scheme.  

Read more about Coronavirus (COVID-19): what to do if you’re self-employed and getting less work or no work.  



PHV operators and taxi intermediaries  

Carrying out a COVID-19 risk assessment – operators and intermediaries  

PHV operators and taxi intermediaries that are employers must carry out a risk assessment in line with government guidance.  

If you have fewer than 5 workers including non-drivers (dispatchers, booking agents etc), you don’t have to write anything down as part of your risk assessment.  


Providing health information to drivers and passengers  

You should provide health information to drivers and passengers through your smartphone apps, text messages and displaying posters within operating centres. You should also:  

  • encourage the drivers you work with to read the drivers guidance.  

  • display posters to remind drivers and passengers of hygiene good practice.  

  • share messages to encourage drivers and passengers to download and use the NHS COVID-19 app.  

  • remind passengers to wash their hands for at least 20 seconds or use hand sanitiser before entering the vehicle  

Drivers do not have to wear a face covering, but we recommend that they do if it does not affect their ability to drive safely.  

Financial help for PHV operators and taxi intermediaries  

Businesses and self-employed drivers may be eligible for financial support schemes. Find out what financial support schemes you may be eligible for. 


Mask-wearing in Taxis, Private Hire Vehicles and Public Transport


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